V-tel Consortium: kirinyaga construction wont pay up
There is a story about kirinyaga construction being unable to pay up their part of the 12bn required for the second national operator (v-tel consortium). Aparently, they want the dubai company to loan them their share of the license fee, despite being awash with cash. (see the eastafrican this weeek)
The same thing hapened to the kenya national federation of cooperatives in the econet consortium. In a metter still in court, the federation was unable to raise its share of the license fee for the third mobile operator. Are kenya companies so corrupt that they apply for a stake in a consortium knowing ab inition that they wont pay up?
They all make transcentury appear like in a class of their own. Trancesntury acted as a saviour to the rift valley consortium when gridlock of south africa pulled out last minute